I've engaged in building several digital health projects and companies.

I enlisted here the ones that have given me the most valuable lessons and were crucial for my growth as a leader.

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CardioCube was a virtual care service powered by Voice AI. CardioCube worked in two operating models. The first one was a tool for remote patient monitoring used by cardiologists and primary care providers. The second was a virtual care service for employees at companies of all sizes. The core of this service was built by a Voice AI system working on smart speakers (e.g. Alexa) and a web-based platform for video calls with providers. The outcome was more affordable care with flat monthly rates, no co-pays, and no deductibles.

We’ve performed trials with our customers and published our research - one of the articles could be found here.

CardioCube’s IP was acquired by Voxel, a diagnostics and healthcare IT systems provider.

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CardioWatch was a text-based system that helped patients to control their hypertension. The problem to solve was how to create an easily scalable system designed for elderly patients with multiple chronic diseases. The answer proved to be a text-based check-in system gathering information on recent symptoms and then sending it to a specific healthcare provider. The outcome was higher patient treatment compliance. 


Medibox started while looking for a perfect solution to help patients safely upload and send DICOM files to their healthcare providers. It expanded into a web-based platform allowing doctors to manage communications with patients. The outcome was integrating all data in one place and giving providers more time for the consult.